Saturday, November 20, 2010

New Playroom

We still have some more work to do down here, but Emma Rose and Anabelle love it in here. John is going to install a cable outlet so the girls can watch Disney and we need to get a few more of they toys in here. It will be really cool when they will play down here by themselves for just a little while! Then I'll miss them!
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Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Dancing Carpenter Girls

This is a special video invitation (aka bribe) that John and I "enouraged" Emma Rose and Anabelle to do for Auntie Cathy and Uncle Eric. We're hoping they might come see us for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Butterfly Craft

The girls and I have been doing a few crafts. We did this Butterfly Craft earlier this month, and they loved it! We used washable markers, round coffee filters, a spray bottle with water, and black pipe cleaners.

We colored the coffee filters with the markers and then sprayed them lightly with the water until the colors started to blend and run along the filter. The girls didn't really color in any sort of pattern, and I did a little bit of a pattern. It didn't matter how we did it.

Once the filters were dry, we wrapped the pipe cleaners around the filters so that we had butterfly wings and antennea! The girls liked seeing the colors run, and then they made their butterflies fly around the room.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Weekend

Halloween weekend was very fun and very busy. I'm still not fully recovered. Emma Rose was a lady bug, and Anabelle was a good witch.

The festivities began for me early Thursday morning as I started to prepare for two class parties. I had to go shopping for all the baking and crafting we were planning! I love being able to be involved with the girls' classes, and this was so much fun! Anabelle's party started off with all the classes in her preschool giving a Halloween parade for the parents. They were all very cute. Aside from Anabelle the Good Witch, my favorite costume was Elvis. Back in the classroom, Anabelle's class had some yummy treats, crafts, and several games. They all had a great time!

I dashed off from Anabelle's school to start on Emma Rose's class "party" that was labeled Fall Centers so that we were sure to be educational. (Wink. Wink.) I didn't take my camera into the classroom, but we had great fun, too. The class made patterned skeletons, colored a spider (by letter), decorated cookies, and played Halloween bingo. They also had a special snack that looked more like a sugar buffet: cookie cake, marshmallow popsicles, some various other sweets, and pizza muffins. On the way home, Emma Rose said to me, "I ate way too much sugar." I totally agree!

We had an early bedtime that night, so we could start Saturday out well rested. Saturday started out with a quick trip to Target as Anabelle had ripped her black tights on Friday. Nicki, Laurin, and Patrick came over for early trick-or-treating. We went down to Hickory Flat UMC then came home for lunch and crafting. We made spiders and ghosts! The Griffiths headed home, and we met Chris, Beth, and Grayson for trick-or-treating at Publix. The girls got to decorate cookies and were given some great treats! Once we were home, we had dinner with the neighbors and trick-or-treated in our neighborhood. By that time, Anabelle was very tired! At one point, she sat down on the side walk and said, "I can't run that fast." The girls were in the bed by 8:30!

Sunday, we had church and nap. During the afternoon, we went for a hay ride and pot luck dinner at Buffington Baptist Church right down the street. I didn't remember my camera for that, but I don't think I could have held the camera to get any pictures. The girls were in the bed that night by 7:30!

Fun was had by all, and here are some of the pictures from the weekend! Enjoy!