John took the screen out of the window yesterday, and I've been keeping my camera near the kitchen window. I've also been paying a little more attention to the yard since we saw the big bird yesterday. It paid off as I finally have a shot of a small bird that is not a House Finch or a Goldfinch.
These are the pictures (cropped and enlarged) of the Eastern Wood-Pewee we saw in the back yard. It eats insects, so we won't see it at the feeders.
This afternoon as I was walking to the kitchen, I saw a very large bird swoop up from the yard and try to grab a bird off the feeder! It settled on the fence, and I ran for the camera. I focused the lense just as he flew away. I was able to get one very blurry shot, but it's exciting to see just how big it is! I believe it was a Cooper's Hawk, but from what we've read, it's difficult to distinguish between the Cooper's Hawk and the Sharp-shinned Hawk. After reading more, we think the hawk we saw yesterday was a juvenile.
If it was the same bird, he's probably decided he's found a good restaurant. I hope the song birds don't leave!
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