Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Backyard Birds

When we moved into the new house, we started to notice there were quite a few birds in our neighborhood, especially since the builders mowed down most of the trees to build the houses. Ever curious Emma Rose noticed, too. To capitalize on her interest, we now have 5 bird feeders: 2 for seed eaters and 3 for hummingbirds. Next year, we're going to put out a blue bird box (thank you, Nicki!!) and hopefully, one of the eastern bluebirds will lay eggs in it for us.

The hummingbirds are filling up their little bellies for their migration. We've had good traffic over the past few weeks. Emma Rose named one of the girls Piccolo. One of the feeders is hanging from a hook on a window by our kitchen table. The other two are on a shepherds hook in the front yard. We get lots of entertainment from both, especially when they get territorial! Last weekend, we were out on the front porch watching them, and Piccolo flew right by our heads.

John and I have been trying to get some pictures of them, and so far, we've gotten a few good ones. (I'm not sure if he knows it, but I'm competing with John to get the best hummingbird picture this year. So far, he's winning.)

Female Hummingbird: Picture by John

Male Hummingbird: Picture by Paula

We have regular visits by the house finches, the goldfinches, and cardinals. Emma Rose has gotten great at identifying each of these birds by sight and can tell the difference between the males and females of each of them!

Male and Female Cardinals

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