We were sad when the trip was over! John did get to get back to his car. After washing the dirt off my car, he washed his car. . . and the love affair with mustangs continues. I still have not decided on a name and have not had a ride in the car, but Dorie is in the running. It's from Finding Nemo when Crush (the turtle) calls Dorie Little Blue.

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
We packed up two cars and went to Fort Mountain State Park Wednesday. We hiked a trail and saw a Stone Tower and a rock wall. The trails were pretty friendly and there were lots of rocks, flowers and leaves for Emma Rose and Anabelle. We also found a playground where Anabelle had a snack, and Emma Rose and Laurin were able to play for a while. There were three tired little girls that night!
Thursday, Anabelle woke up and stood up in her pack and play. She squealed with joy to see Mommy asleep in the bed next to her. Nicki and I went on a solo outing into town. The dads stayed behind and took the girls on a walk through the woods. We’re expecting the other two couples and four children this evening!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
True Blue 2001 Mustang Cobra
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Sugar and Pops came for a visit Tuesday afternoon. Sugar brought an awesome Honey Baked Ham dinner for us that night. Wednesday, we went shopping in Dawsonville, and Thursday, we went to Helen, Georgia, also known as Little Bavaria. It was the perfect day for a trip there. Helen was just beginning the Oktoberfest, which is the longest Oktoberfest in the world according to their pamphlets, and most of the activities happen at night. When we started walking, Emma Rose had to smell every flower by the street. We walked around the town and found a great authentic German restaurant with wonderful sauerkraut and purple cabbage. The sauerkraut was just as good as my grandmother's kraut. Pops also treated Emma Rose and Sugar to some homemade ice cream. (The owner of the shop was lactose intolerant!) Anabelle sat in the stroller and eventually fell asleep.
Thursday was a memorable day for me. Emma Rose and I had our first discussion about what she would wear. She did not want to wear what I had chosen for her. She was very upset and told me, "I don't want Sugar Pops to see me in this!" She wanted a pink shirt, not the brown one with pink pants. I offered her another outfit, and she still refused. She finally relented and looked very cute!
John arrived home Thursday night and reported that Charlene was indeed totalled. He got through all the paperwork with the insurance company Friday. It is the end of an era with Charlene, and now he is looking for another car . . . a mustang, of course. We'll see what he can find, and we'll be taking our time to make sure he finds something he'll love. I don't think it'll replace Charlene for him, but I'm sure he'll have fun getting to know the new car. He told me I could choose the new car's name, too!
The week of the 22nd, we're headed to the mountains at Bear Lodge Falls for a vacation with Nicki and her family. Two other couples and their children will be joining us during the weekend. Emma Rose is looking forward to spending a week's long play date with her best friend, Laurin! It should be a great vacation for all of us, and we're really looking forward to spending the entire week with John. I'm hoping he doesn't spend the entire week looking for a car.
Saturday, we went into Canton for the local car show sponsored by Po Boys Car Club. Emma Rose loves being with her daddy looking at all the cars. She told us Saturday that the blue ones are her favorite - the make and model don't matter. It's fun to walk around to see what people do to their cars. Some are pretty average looking, and some are really neat.
Anabelle is now definitely saying "tree." She will point to a tree and then say it. She's also been saying "da-da" quite a bit lately and will occasionally say "ma-ma." Her absolute favorite word is still cat, and she's saying dog, too. We have to listen closely when she's saying dog and cat because they sound so similar. Anabelle is also pointing to the light in a cute crooked way and trying her best to say light. She doesn't quite make it. She's also mimicking sounds of phrases without the actual letters. In the car, she just babbles and babbles unless she is crying because she's teething. Can you guess which we prefer? We're so happy about her being so vocal. It's better than listening to the radio.
In car news, John has found another car. There will be pictures and a name. He seems very happy and is on the way home with her now. She is a 2001, true blue Mustang Cobra. I still think we'll miss Charlene, but I'm sure that for John, this will be salve to the wound of losing her.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Our Little Ballerina
Sad Day for Charlene
We are very thankful John wasn't hurt!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
This morning, she woke up before Mommy and Daddy. We heard a couple of thumps, and then she appeared in our room. This time she had one t-shirt (her favorite My Daddy Rocks t-shirt), a pair of shorts, and two pairs of underwear. She said, "Mommy, get me dressed." I asked why, and she said, "Because I'm going to get naked." She did just that by flailing her clothes across the room, and I helped her get dressed. She thought it was really funny she had gotten two pairs of undies. She also told me she was all better and the yogurt had made the germs go away.
Yesterday was a big communication day for Anabelle. She started saying "Uh-oh!" and she started signing for milk. I've been trying to teach her the sign 'more' for about 6 months or so, and still she's only done that one once. I've been trying to teach her the sign 'milk' for about 3 or 4 days, and last night she did it at dinner! Now, she is an expert at asking for milk with her hands. Last Wednesday, she said "fish," and there has not been a repeat performance. Maybe it was hopeful hearing hopefully.
This morning, Anabelle discovered the tissues. And I discovered her discovering the tissues. I was busy in the kitchen, and all was quiet. Ahhhhh I was thinking to myself. Then, reality struck. It was quiet. I started hearing whosh, whosh, whosh. Anabelle had the tissue box on the floor and was steadily pulling out tissue after tissue and spreading them all about her. All Emma Rose and I could do was laugh!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Anabelle: The Sign
Yesterday was our play date day with Nicki and Laurin. We were also joined by Missy, one of our friends from high school, and her newly adopted daughter, Gemma. It was good to see Missy again as we haven't seen her in a little over a year and good to meet Gemma, too!
Pre-play date, I used all of our ripe tomatoes to make dinner for us. It was nice because I was starting to be concerned about using them before they went bad. I chopped tomatoes to use instead of the recipe-recommended canned diced tomatoes and made my own salsa to use instead of the store bought salsa. I even got the salsa seal of approval from Nicki whose pregnancy craving includes salsa!
Strangest Tomato I've Ever Grown
We had quite a full house. It was fun to see one more baby in the mix. Gemma is about 2 months older than Anabelle, and she wanted to love on Anabelle and Hobie A LOT. Gemma rubbed Anabelle's fuzzy head and kissed her. She "tackled" Anabelle football style a few times to give her hugs. Anabelle returned the love with her baby, open mouth kisses - those that only a mommy or daddy can fully appreciate. Gemma also was pretty interested in Hobie who ended up getting pulled by the ear across the ottoman. Laurin and Emma Rose, who sometimes focus all of their attention on him, gave Hobie some attention, but he mostly tried to stay on his bed that I moved to the chair. I was very impressed that Hobie did not bare his teeth even once. He was relieved last night when he was safely tucked in bed beside me. There was a lot of excitment for such a little puppy.
Laurin on Higher Ground to Protect her Toy Stash
Anabelle with Gemma Pre-love Fest # 3
Anabelle performed by showing all of us the sign at dinner. Nicki gave her some avocado, which in the past she has really loved, and I gave her blueberries and butternut squash. Gemma likes avocados, too and helped Anabelle eat it! Anabelle did not really want to eat, so I (unfortunately for all who heard) had to do my own special rendition of Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. Anabelle really enjoyed it when Nicki and Missy joined in! When that song stopped working, we sang The Wheels on the Bus. Anabelle ended up eating a pretty good dinner.
Also during dinner, Emma Rose and Anabelle insisted that I hold them while I was eating. It was at this point I suspected Emma Rose was not all better from her cold. I checked her temperature, and she had a fever. We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning. Emma Rose recovered for a bit, I put Anabelle on the floor where she could crawl freely, and I finished dinner. It's nice to have other non-crying adults in the room when I feel the urge to go crazy.
Emma Rose and Laurin on the Ottoman (Hobie in his Bed in the background)
After dinner, Laurin and Emma Rose pretended to bunnies. They shared Emma Rose's bunny ears and jumped around the house. When they pretend like that, it's one of my favorite times to watch them. With each play date, they are playing together rather than side by side more and more. It's so great for them to grow up together and for Nicki and me to be able to see it!
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Saturday, September 6, 2008
Just a little update on the college football scene: UGA won their first two games. UT lost their first game. It's a good season for UGA so far. Emma Rose and Anabelle will need a UGA cheerleader outfits!
Blog Archive
- Thursday, Joe and John took the girls on a little ...
- Tuesday, we spent the day hanging out at the cabin...
- This is the first picture of John's new (to him) c...
- I gave Emma Rose a little hair cut Monday night! I...
- Our Little Ballerina
- Sad Day for Charlene
- Yesterday morning, Emma Rose visited the doctor ag...
- Tuesday morning, it seemed that Emma Rose was all ...
- Today, John bought and installed a new muffler and...
- Friday Emma Rose and Anabelle were still feeling a...
- The Doctor's Office
- Dinner Disaster & Bath time Bliss